By receiving this message you have successfully completed the LAMPIRE’s 2021 AACC Promotion.
It was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you at AACC.
We want to make reward you with 10% off your next purchase. (See details below)
Also, we understand its difficult transiting to another supply. That’s why LAMPIRE would also like to offer a complimentary sample to find out why LAMPIRE is one of the top supplies of raw materials and biological product around.
Let grow together and make 2021-2022 a success year.
LAMPIRE is hear for you!
Best Regards
Lee Kandt
VP of Business Development
Customer Service: (215) 795-2838 /
Sales Support: (215) 795-2838 /
Terms and Conditions:
Code: AACC2021 is for one time use and is not valid with any other offer. The discount is applied to list pricing on new product orders placed in 2021. The promotional discount on services is applied to initiation fees only. This promotion does not apply to box, ice or shipping charges. Minimum order size is $100. Maximum discount not to exceed $3,000. Not valid in jurisdictions where such activities are illegal.