Local Company Plays Role in New Medication

Submitted by nate on Fri, 06/26/2015 - 11:28

by Christian Heilman; WeAreCentralPA.com / WTAJ

EVERETT, BEDFORD COUNTY -- Lampire Labs in the Everett area is getting a big boost with a $5 million contract. They will help in making new arthritis medication that will be sent worldwide. It's the latest step of expansion for this high tech business.

Rebecca Stickel will be one of the newest employees at Lampire Labs.

Rebecca Stickel, Lampire Biological Laboratories, said, "In my heart I knew this was the job I wanted to do."

But the Bedford High School graduate never thought her job would be so close to home.

"I just never really knew about this company so it was just kind of a big eye-opener,” she said.

The company called Bedford County home in 1989 with hundreds of acres of farmland. They take blood, milk or eggs from animals and send it to their lab. It can end up in different drugs or tests -- like a pregnancy test.

Gregory Krug, President and CEO, said, "We are like what the coal mine is to the steel industry. We supply the raw materials to the life science industry."

In 2007, they expanded to this building in the Everett Business Park. It used to be a textile factory filled with sewing machines -- now, it's a lab. And half of the company's 120 employees call Bedford County home.

Krug said, "We're here to stay. We're looking to grow, expand and keep on expanding. "

They already are. A new $5 million contract with a Fortune 50 company means about $1 million in renovations to their warehouse and adding six new employees.

"We're developing a workforce here,” said Krug.

It’s a workforce that will include Stickel -- who started working here in high school through the county's senior challenge program. It partners students with businesses so they can find their fit.

" I've been looking at jobs everywhere and for me to be able to find something here was really a blessing,” Stickel said.

The CEO says the partnerships they have with schools is one of the big reasons they decided to move and stay in our region.

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